My best friend food

Since I was small, I loved food. I thought it tasted good and I thought that it was the best thing I ever tried. Even as I‘m growing up, I love eating food!


Since I was young, I loved eating chicken. I would feel so happy when I took a bite of it. I especially love fried chicken, since it is crunchy and delicious.


Rice is something that many Koreans eat. It is one of the most common food eaten here. Rice comes out with anything and is eaten with anything. Rice was my closest friend since 3.


Noodles taste really good and they are fun to eat. They are long and they taste good. The annoying part of noodles is that they slip off my utensils and are very long. However, I really enjoy eating them.


Pasta taste delicious. It is my favorite food and I never had a time that I did not like the taste of it. Since I really like pasta, I ask my parents if I can go eat it often.


Cucumber is something that I hate eating. I really do not like the smell of it and I do not like how it tastes like. When I first tried them in kindergarten, I immediately went to the trashcan and spit the cucumber. I hate cucumbers.